Artist Statement:
All my life I have been a fan of photography and the beauty it has the potential to capture. Each photographer finds their niche and I have been blessed with a special eye for the weathered and worn. My greatest asset was when I recognized how beauty abounds around us and that the subjects for my work were endless and inclusive of anything from a dew kissed flower to a dilapidated barn, the burial ground of discarded automobiles or something as simple as a unique door or window that you might pass every day.
There are those who look but don’t see and listen but don’t hear. My role in all of this is to introduce images to you in a way that allows you to see it in a new light and return it to the world of things valued.
“If I can capture an image that makes someone laugh, cry, reflect, imagine or even put their arm around a friend then I have made a connection on some universal level.” by Todd Shaak
I have taken GREAT measures to provide you with a photograph that has little or no modifications. All images are taken digitally and exclusively by me and in using the Ultrachrome process I am able to completely control all aspects of my printing.
Known for his images of St. Louis landmarks which include the St. Louis Gateway Arch, Union Station and Busch Stadium photographer and award winning artist Todd Shaak has recently turned his artist's eye toward the rural landscape of the Midwest. This is illustrated in his poignant series, “Traces of Humanity", where he captures the gritty and haunting images of what has now become part of the past.
After two heart attacks in 2008 Todd was catapulted to the need to make a serious life change. Fully embracing this opportunity he reflected on his passion for various forms of art. This characteristic has been the cornerstone of his successful career in sales and marketing and has remained so as he transitioned to graphic design, multi-media and ultimately, photography.
Todd is able to convey all the emotion, eloquence and nuance of his subjects that makes each of his creations and discoveries unique. His understanding of the camera/lens combined with his artistic vision allows him to capture the beauty that is presented in each individual image. Todd possesses a singularly explosive energy that is clearly evident as you watch him bounce from nurturing and encouraging beginning photographers to generously taking time to answer questions and share the stories behind his photographs in a way that has been described as, “infectious enthusiasm.”
Todd’s photography has earned many awards and can be found in numerous private and public collections around the county. In addition, Todd's photographs can be found at juried art fairs around the country.
Through his unique view of the world Todd breathes life into all his images, stopping us in our tracks to ask, “How did I miss the majesty in “the Beautifully Decayed?”
Raised in the St. Louis area, Todd has lived and traveled throughout much of the country. Returning to his roots, Todd moved back to St. Louis in 1994.
Todd has always had a passion for anything creative. His creative passion was the cornerstone early on to his successful career in sales and marketing and remains so for his career in graphic design, multi-media and photography.
Always interested in photography, it was only 6 years ago that Todd discovered his true passion. Through his photography, Todd is able to convey all the emotion, eloquence and nuance of design that makes each of his subjects unique. His understanding of the camera/lens and his artistic vision allows him to capture a beauty that can only be achieved by one who has mastered his craft.
Todd is passionate about nurturing and encouraging the beginning photographers he meets at his shows. He takes time out of his busy schedule answer their questions, generously sharing his expert knowledge with them. Todd also hosts an online photography forum ( where new and experienced photographers alike can 'meet', share their photos and exchange ideas.
Through his unique view of the world, Todd breathes life into all his images, stopping us in our tracks, and captivating our hearts and souls. For more information about Todd's work or services he provides, please don't hesitate to contact him at:
Todd Shaak Photography
Todd Shaak Photography featured in RANGEFINDER Magazine, a national professional photography Magazine in October 2011 FINE ART issue - click here to read the article
Todd Shaak Photography featured by Lina LeVine, a High School student in 2011 - click here to read the article
Todd Shaak Photography featured in the Belleville News Democrat - click here to read the article.
Todd Shaak Photography featured in the Quincy Herald-Wig - click here to read the article.

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